Right to life Nepal

In Nepal citizens and NGOs appealed to Nepal’s Supreme Court against a marble factory on the basis that it caused environmental degradation to the Godavari forest and its surroundings.⁠

The factory emitted dust, minerals, smoke, and sands and had polluted the water, land, and air of the area, endangering the lives and property of everyone who lived there. The Court held that Nepal’s constitutional provision protecting the right to life necessarily included the right to a clean and healthy environment.⁠

It’s an obvious connection – but one that is often overlooked. There are currently multiple cases happening in countries around the world whereby citizens & groups are suing governments and companies for a right to a stable climate and clean air. In Nepal, the Court ultimately issued directives to the Parliament to pass legislation to protect the Godavari environment; that is, its air, water, and people. In an ideal world, we would instinctively be doing this, but in our current format, we can look to this as an example. ⁠

Source: Environmental Rule of Law Report