We’ll say it over and over, growing your own food is one of the biggest rebellions in the system today

We’ll say it over and over, growing your own food is one of the biggest rebellions in the system today and if you’re able to, it’s ideal to get a bit of connection back to nature and eat from the source. Plus you can easily reduce your plastic and food waste this way. The pride from making a salad from your own vegetables beats an Ikea flat-pack success too!⁠

Between us we’ve set up gardens in big spaces, plots and teeny ones (Lis once had a whole load of herbs, vegetables and dwarf fruit trees on a tiny apartment balcony – vertical walls are your friend!). You can also set up a community garden with the neighbors so you can all pitch in and be rewarded with fresh produce or pick a long abandoned space in your area and start growing; there will be more support for it once everybody sees the growth. This is also a great way to spend your privilege if you’re white too as these spaces are, unfortunately, often safer for white people particularly when considered ‘civil disobedience’. Go make it a useful space and organize it with your community, or get everyone together and make sure everybody feels safe, included and part of a supportive group where everyone benefits. ⁠

There’s often a little bit of money to be spent on soil & seeds but you can make this cheap too. Set up a worm garden and composting station, find free palettes for beds and walls, collect pots from around the neighborhood, join your local Buy Nothing group and jump on second-hand local swap and buy websites for plants and equipment. Start asking all your friends, family and colleagues for plant cuttings and tips, and save your own herb ends to grow out and plant. Head to your local garden centre for advice on what to plant or see if there’s a workshop in your area. Read about permaculture and join a course if you can. Any more ideas for starting a productive garden?⁠