What is nature deficit disorder?

The term “nature deficit disorder” was coined by Richard Louv to describe the loss of connection we increasingly feel with the natural world. Louv argues that connection to nature should be thought of as a human right and that nature-deficit disorder affects our health, wellbeing, and many other areas, including our ability to feel truly alive. ⁠

You can probably guess the shopping list of causes (!) but they also include loss of open space, increasingly busy schedules, for kids an emphasis on team sports over individualized play and exploration and competition from social media and online games.⁠

We know how hard this is especially if you live in a city so make a promise to yourself – and any kids in your life – to get out into the green and blue. Whilst you’re out there see how many plants you can identify, what food you find and the insects you see. ⁠

We’d be happy to prescribe time outdoors away from everyone and everything else to anyone who needs a permission slip this week 🙂