Sponsorship Fund

Are you looking for funding for a local environment project?

We want to create waves of little changes across the world but we know that many of us are restricted by funds. Though a lot of our work is focussed on education and ensuring we develop a platform for systemic change together, we strongly encourage taking action, and local initiatives can rapidly spread. These initiatives can change families, they can show others a different way and bring them into the conversation, they can spend our privilege to do things in our community that others might not be able to so easily, and they can move us away from parts of the system that need massive change.

We are raising money for the scholarship fund through the environmental jobs listed on our site. We pour all funds received back into this organization to ensure we can keep doing this work, supporting our work in Cambodia and providing for this fund. 

As we are in the Job Board launch phase, our plan is to start with a $250usd fund each month to an idea (apply below!). We hope to increase this as soon as we can (working with our community and applications to determine whether it’s best to increase the number of projects to fund each month, or the funding available to a project each month).

What can these funds be used for?

So many things! We want to hear your ideas in the submission below. It might be to start your own worm garden, commence a community vegetable garden, create a compost at school, plant native trees, run a workshop on food waste, start a beehive, help pay for an Indigenous person to run their workshop at your workplace, or set up a dinner for refugees in your area (we will soon likely have many millions of climate refugees so it’s important we do much more in this space). 

How does this work?

We believe in ease and trust so you’ll receive the money directly to your bank account. The only thing we ask is an update on how it went, with some photos (where appropriate) so we can be transparent with our career partners and community on this and see what you’ve been able to create! We’ll also try and check back in with you to see how it’s going or if it has snowballed any further impact or change. We want to be able to share your stories and inspire others to do the same in their communities.

Please apply below. You can apply separately for each idea. Your submissions will be kept in a database to select from. We are looking to start this initiative in the next few months and will contact the monthly winner via email and share on our Instagram and environment email. Thank you so much for participating – we can’t wait to see your ideas.

Apply here!

Tell us all about your idea and how you would use the funds!