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Got a local favorite (or many)? Visited a new town or country and found a special spot?

We’d really love to hear about them! Easier for you to let us know on the ‘gram? Just message us their account and we’ll get back to you if they list.

We’re looking for bulk food stores, zero waste shops, regenerative and urban farms, architects, green builders, sustainable cafes & restaurants, eco-accommodation and environmentally friendly services (i.e. that local hairdresser that has an excellent eco policy in action). Send us a quick tip using the form below and we’ll reach out to the business to ask if they’d like to list. If they choose to list, we’ll send you a sweet little discount to our zero waste store.

Got lots of places you know are amazing and truly doing their best for sustainability and ethics? Please email us the business names & city/town (if you could include their website and/or email that would be very helpful).

This entire thing only works when we’re all curating the best stores and services across the globe. We’re a social enterprise and the low listing fee is so we can create beautiful pages and manage this directory throughout the year. If we make a profit from this it would be poured straight back into environmental projects. Thank you so much in advance!

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