Zero waste & plastic

Zero waste & plastics

Talking about plastics has become very trendy but we’re covering the topic from more than just one angle. Waste in general is a problem both up-stream and down-stream so we chat the company responsibility that needs to be taken, sustainable design, policies that are implemented or should exist, and our individual contribution to the problem. Plastics are derived from fossil fuels and therefore contribute to both climate change and additional physical pollution in the environment whilst so much of the products and services we use every day create waste. The easiest solution, and our defence to our waste problem, is to discuss recycling. Indeed some materials should be recycled infinitely but recycling can be energy intensive and, as most of us are now starting to learn, extremely imperfect. Digging a layer beyond ‘going zero waste’ quickly exposes a multitude of issues such as poverty, fast fashion, government (in)action, exploited labor and capitalism. 

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Heading south to Dunsborough & Yallingup

Beach Days Though there are a few little towns to grab some supplies at, you’ll want to spend most of your days by the sea, in he surf or on the sand. Bring the sunscreen and ask the locals where to head that day – they’ll know the best spot

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Hanging Ten in Margaret River

Bring your tent and pull up at the ocean for a camping evening and sunset over the water. You might go for the wineries and stay for the sea. Or the other way around. Either way if you make your way to Perth you’ll either want to go way south

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Check out our zero waste and plastic free guides

We write comprehensive free guides you can read online and share with friends and colleagues. Our guides on zero waste and plastics help with individual actions we can take whilst creating an understanding of the broader, systemic issues.


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