We are a social enterprise

Any profit we make on our tiny turnover is poured back into this work. Our focus is on biodiversity, climate change, waste, systemic issues, justice, work and thriving communities.

We encourage action

We connect facts and stories, advocate strongly for top-down legislation & structural change, address inequality and encourage impactful people powered action.

We are transparent

We believe in doing everything as ethically as we possibly can including transparency of our products, how we make decisions, why we do the things we do, and what we can do better.

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Zero waste and plastics

Going zero waste is nearly impossible but we share stories on what's happening upstream in the supply chain, what low waste really means, and how we can ethically make a difference.

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Free guides on specific topics with the background, facts, stories, graphics, further resources and actions we can all take. Read 'em and share!

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Sustainable eating & agriculture

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