Oat milk over almond milk

We are huge fans of oat milk over here as it’s the most sustainable milk. It’s also cheap, plastic-free, easy to make and yummy! How does it compare?

Using about 1L of oat milk per week results in contributing 37kg to your annual greenhouse emissions (driving approx 150km) and 2,000 litres of water (about 30 8min showers). In comparison, using 1L of dairy milk per week contributes around 131kg to your emissions (driving about 540km), 26,133 litres of water (over 400 8min showers) and 372m² of land.

Almond milk uses 15,453 litres of water for the same amount (about 240 8min showers). It’s a really thirsty crop and often commercially grown in places that can’t handle that water requirement – like California.

Our favorite recipe is to make your oat milk and add a dash of real vanilla essence and cinnamon. If you can get your oats at the bulk food store then it’s pretty perfect!

(Stats courtesy of some awesome work at the BBC).